My Agreement To You

I am here for constant support throughout your transformation. I want to educate, empower, and guide you throughout your individualized plan. 

1. Schedule an appointment, and receive an intake form via email.
2. Allow me to create a customized plan for you.
3. Let’s execute the plan together.


Working out with Lisa McMurtrie has surpassed my expectations! I have had chronic back/hip pain for years and am scheduled for spinal surgery in a few months. Lisa has designed workouts that strengthen my core to support my back to the point where my latest MRI actually showed improvement in the condition of my bad disks! (My surgeon was astonished and delighted.) Lisa is always upbeat, always encouraging, always flexible: if it hurts, she has me back off, if I can do more, she usually pushes me. She always explains how and why she’s chosen a particular exercise and if it causes me pain, she always finds another exercise to do the same work without pain. I’ve worked out with a number of trainers over many years and Lisa is the best. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is thinking about hiring a personal trainer. (Plus she has a great sense of humour and has charmed my cats and dog, who like to hang out while I work out and aren’t always as helpful as they think.)
Kate Freiman

Award-Winning USA-Today Bestselling Author

I’ve been training with Lisa for about 2 years now. I consider myself fairly fit as I tend to workout 5-6 times a week – so one would think that after 2 years her workouts would become easier.. Well they have not! And that’s why I love them! Every session is completely different and brings on new challenges! She pushes me to the brink of my fitness level, and I finish each session with a great sense of accomplishment! These are high intensity, total body workouts that kick ass in the best way possible! To top it off, Lisa is highly motivating, and super knowledgeable! She’s also incredibly agile when it comes to modifying programs to accommodate for injuries or specific needs. If you get a chance to work with Lisa- you better jump at it!”
Daniel Toth

LinkedIn Canada Head Office

I have been working out with Lisa for just over 2 months and am very pleased with the results. She provides full-body workouts that are completely tailored to meet my goals while changing up exercises to continually create new challenges. She also went out of her way to create an excellent meal plan to keep me on track. Her approach is very motivating and continues to push me further every week. So far I have lost 25 lbs and we are continuing to work towards my goal.

Patrick Glencross

JAM Direct Marketing

Lisa became my yoga mentor after completing a 200hr teacher training certificate in Toronto. I loved the program, but it was my 1 on 1 sessions with Lisa that deepened my practice and gave me the confidence to share what I had learned. Lisa helped me to directly apply the theoretical and philosophical elements of yoga to my asana practice. Her deep experience in physical training and nutrition not only provided insight, but helped me understand how to make the practice of mindfulness more accessible for the modern yogi. I wouldn’t be the teacher I am without her!

Raven Opatovsky

National Partnerships at Snapchat & Corporate Yoga Teacher

I was recovering from extensive (dominant) hand surgery when I met Lisa. Gripping a weight or doing a push up felt
insurmountable. With her guidance, not only can I grip and push, I am able to follow her program with no hesitation. Lisa is personable, flexible and motivated to see her clients succeed. She has extensive knowledge in many areas (e.g. diet, nutrition, body function) to support questions or concerns that arise during our workouts. So happy we connected! 

A. Travis
